Heritage projects update

Medieval floor tile fragment

Medieval floor tile fragment from St Martin’s Church, New Romney

As the Government eases the lockdown, we are working towards a gradual return to heritage activities. We are constantly balancing what is possible with what is sensible. Some activities, such as a large community dig, will be a while away. However, we do feel that we can offer some remote finds processing. If you have taken part in this activity at the Visitor Centre over the past year and would like to get involved, please contact Andrew. We will be working though the marking of the Brenzett dig finds. Volunteers will collect the finds and the marking material from the Visitor Centre and then carry out the activity from the comfort of their own homes!

Andrew’s details are: Andrew.Mayfield@kentwildlife.org.uk or 07920 548906.

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Image: A medieval floor tile fragment from St Martin’s Church, New Romney. Found during our 2019 dig