

Shingle on the Cusp
Helping to restore vegetated shingle habitat across the Dungeness foreland, through the creation of windbreaks and scientific trial plots using a variety of methods to promote plant re-colonisation and also the control of invasive species to promote a diversity of habitats and introduce no fence grazing on the heathland.


Blue Lanes
Creating optimal ditch conditions for wildlife by balancing the maintenance needs for drainage with the maintenance needs for biodiversity. This is through both physical works and educational means.


Green Lanes for Bumblebees
Implementing bumblebee-friendly practices on Romney Marsh by engaging with highway contractors, landowners and volunteers to promote networks of wildflower rich habitats and provide support for this with three trainee placements.


Monitoring of the Marsh
Recording and monitoring key species and habitats across the Marsh by providing training and support for local volunteers and through this improve the knowledge of biodiversity on Romney Marsh.


Heritage, Geomorphology and Land use
Informing local and owners of archaeological features on their land and helping them to understand their value and protect them for the future.


Hunt for Romney Port
To discover the likely location of the original Romney Port.


Sentinels on the Marsh – Historical and archaeological surveys
To gain a better understanding of the historic churches across the Marsh and to put them back at the heart of their communities.


Sentinels on the Marsh – other activities

To enhance the environments around the churches for wildlife, and to encourage local communities to see and use the buildings as more than a place to worship. Sub-projects include the Marsh Mosaics, Church Audio Guide and improved planting,


Great Tapestry of Romney Marsh
To create a 5-metre tapestry showing the history of Romney Marsh.


The Marsh on Screen Film Project
To create around 35 short films about Romney Marsh. These will include recording the progress of the projects, providing information on the landscape and creating artistic interpretations of life on the Marsh.


Rediscovering the Fifth Continent – Creativity Programme
Delivering creative projects for groups across the Marsh.


Rediscovering the Fifth Continent – Interpretation Programme
Providing a number of smaller interpretation projects to include the provision of information; new cycling and walking routes; Visitor Hubs; RHDR audio guides, etc. Sub-projects include the New Romney Heritage Trail.


Coastal Communities Oral History
To provide recordings of a number of ‘settlers’ to the Marsh, looking at what enticed them to settle, what they have learned from or offered to their communities, and to better understand what the Marsh has to offer.


Sustainable Tourism Project – Landscape Ambassador
To help local businesses to be more confident about the heritage value and what is available, and to better promote this to visitors and tourists.


New Lookers Community Policing
To give Marsh communities a voice about rural issues which may affect their communities.


Breaching the Barriers
Programmes of training tailored to help people gain new skills and opportunities to find out more about conservation, tourism, hospitality industries.